• Edward Savin
  • Software Engineer

ship 44

Battlehip 44
Full Stack Developer:
Edward Savin

Battleship 44 is a dynamic player-versus-AI game.

It was crafted to offer a captivating naval combat experience, prioritizing simplicity, strategic intricacy, and easy maintenance.

Independently crafted with TypeScript, CSS, and Node.js for optimal simplicity and flexibility. Infused with the hunt and parity algorithm, it offers a uniquely challenging and strategic gameplay.

AI Showcase
Artificial Intelligence Showcase

The computer AI operates on the hunt and parity algorithm. The use of this algorithm enhances the AI's attack strategy by considering the parity of the board, and intelligently targeting adjacent cells after hitting a ship.

This aspect has proven to make the AI a worthy and challenging opponent for the player.

In Battleship 44, the AI first "hunts" by randomly dropping bombs like exploring a mapless sea, but once it hits a ship, it smartly "targets" the surrounding area, similar to feeling around a bumped table in a dark room.

This two-step strategy — switching from hunting (random exploring) to targeting (focused attacking) makes the AI in Battleship 44 smarter and a tough competitor to play against. It's not blindly guessing; it's making intelligent decisions based on its "experiences" on the game board.

Battleship 44 Design
Battleship 44 employs a simple, focused design built primarily on square shapes.

The color scheme uses a select few colors, mainly white/gray, blue, and dark red.

The clean, modern look, coupled with the Naval-themed color scheme, strikes a balance between aesthetics and usability.

Battleship 44 Mobile View
Perfect for mobile.

Battleship 44's simple design adapts perfectly to smaller screens like mobile phones, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience on the go.

Battleship 44 uses AI to refresh the traditional board game experience.

It employs the hunt and parity algorithm cleverly, turning random AI attacks into strategic moves based on the player's actions.

This tailored gameplay not only provides a unique experience for each player but also enhances the game's potential for future improvements.

Excited by this intelligent gameplay experience? Want to discuss it further? Don't hesitate to reach out!

Crafting comprehensive digital web solutions with an emphasis on dynamic, responsive, and interactive content.

Committed to delivering high-quality solutions, balancing front-end aesthetics with back-end functionality.

Delivering meticulously crafted front-end user experiences, while maintaining a strong understanding of backend processes, optimization, and performance.

Open to new opportunities —

Remotely or in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Software Engineer —

Frontend, Backend, Fullstack.

Languages —
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • Go
  • C#
  • Python
Frontend —
  • React
  • Next.js
  • CSS
  • Tailwind CSS
Backend —
  • Node.js
  • .NET
  • Prisma
  • SQL
  • tRPC
  • REST
  • AI Integration
OS and Tools —
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Neovim